Jan 6, 2010


So I can't sleep. At 7:20pm Jan 5, 2010 I watched my great grand pop
take his last breath... he was 84 years old. I don't have many memories
of him. I didn't think I would be sad, I was sure that I wasn't going to
cry. But as I watched the nurses remove all of his tubes from his body,
although he was non responsive when we talked to him, he started to cry
when they took the tubes out. They said he was crying because it was
painful... it made me so sad... to look at him lying there is so much
pain.. Waiting to take his last breath... for all of it to be over... 84
years of life.. Over... I can't sleep... I keep seeing him... take his
last breath.. I remember exactly how it went... he breathed in... then
out for the last time... no more breath in his body.. Yet there was
oxygen in the room...

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