Aug 4, 2009

Fairy Tale

My heart bleeds for your attention

Seeking the warmth of you deep dark brown skin
Pressed against my back, while the words ‘I love you’ seep through my ears with the intention of never leaving.

I’ve waited so long for this moment, where you would hold me close in your arms and never let me go;

Telling me that my hurt was just the beginning of a fairy tale, and as it always goes, you, my prince, has come to rescue me from the dragon called life.

Because all fairy tales have happy endings, where everyone lives happily ever after, right?

But this is life!

You never came, I never felt your arms around my pain stricken body,

The dragon spit fire in my mouth day in and out, but I kept holding on because I knew you were coming.

I fought the dragon as much as I could, because my prince was on his way.

But this is life!

I’ve accepted your absence, and have become the dragon’s slave.

Still hoping that life would end as a fairy tale.

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